The third MEDIASRES Course Week took place in Bern (Switzerland) from 3rd to 7th of November 2014. The focus of this Course Week was on the individual research projects of the ESRs. Two days were reserved for the project's presentations by the ESRs. Almost all supervisors joined these days. After each talk there was a 20 minutes vivid discussion of the research project. New questions arouse, and the ESRs received valuable feedback, input and suggestions for their last year of Ph.D. They were asked to summarize this feedback in a structured way and implement this into the Personal Career Development Plan as a follow-up to this meeting.
On the remaining three days the MEDIASRES ESRs had courses on "Bayesian approaches to clinical trials" by MEDIASRES supervisor Heinz Schmidli, Simon Wandel (both Novartis AG) and Sandro Gsteiger (ISPM Bern), on "Screening for Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women: A Case Study in Interval Censored Competing Risks Data" by MEDIASRES Associate Partner Jason Fine (Chapel Hill) and "statistical issues in drug development" by MEDIASRES external advisor Stephen Senn (CRP Sante Luxemburg). The meeting was complemented by lectures and tutorials by MEDIASRES supervisors and local organizers Marcel Zwahlen and Peter Jüni on "How to critically read a medical paper" and "From ranomized trials to treatment guidelines".
Some impressions: